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The Best Anti-Ageing Ingredients for Diminishing Forehead Wrinkles

The Best Anti-Ageing Ingredients for Diminishing Forehead Wrinkles

by Antoinette Barnardo 19 Mar 2020

What can your forehead wrinkles tell you? For one, they may indicate that you're a very expressive person. They can also provide a deeper look at your overall health and well-being.

Like smile lines and frown lines, chances are you want to conceal those lines on your forehead as much as possible in your quest for smooth skin. In this article, we'll be taking a look at why forehead wrinkles develop and what you can do to erase and prevent them.

How Do Forehead Wrinkles Develop?

The occipitofrontalis is a muscle that spans your forehead, scalp, and back of your head. In particular, the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis is responsible for raising your eyebrows and wrinkling your forehead whenever you're upset, distressed, or confused — or even when you read or frown in front of a computer screen.

Similarly, glabellar lines, also known as forehead furrows or frown lines, are small, vertical lines that appear between the eyebrows, where the procerus muscle is situated.

As you age, your body produces less collagen and elastin, which means your skin loses its ability to snap back into its original smooth state. Repeated facial expressions will begin to leave creases on your face. If you raise your eyebrows often, for instance, you'll ultimately develop permanent lines on your forehead.

Below are some of the most common reasons you may have forehead lines:

1. Sun Damage

Photoaging refers to the premature ageing that's caused by UV rays. UVA rays, in particular, can penetrate deep into your skin, negatively affecting collagen fibers and promoting the growth of abnormal elastin. Whenever you're outside, your forehead gets plenty of sun exposure. Failing to wear any form of protection, like sunscreen or a wide-brimmed hat, means your forehead is prone to fine lines and wrinkles.

2. Smoking

According to a 2007 study from the Journal of Dermatological Medicine, tobacco smoke can impair collagen production and degrade existing collagen and elastin fibers. Smoking and vaping certainly affects the lower part of your face — the constant pursing of your lips will lead to lines and sagging skin. However, the effects of smoking can be seen on the rest of your face, too, especially if you repeatedly squint to keep smoke out of your eyes.

3. Stress

Forehead lines are often called "worry lines" — whenever you're stressed or upset, you wrinkle your forehead. But stress can also affect you biologically. Chronic stress accelerates the ageing process and causes wrinkles, according to a 2014 article published in Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets. That's because cortisol, the stress hormone, can hinder collagen production, making it more difficult for your skin to maintain its naturally smooth texture.

4. Cardiovascular Disease

In 2018, a study presented to the European Society of Cardiology said that numerous deep forehead wrinkles can be indicative of high risk for heart disease. The theory is that these creases are linked to atherosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries. Further research is being conducted on this subject, and forehead wrinkles alone can't serve as a lone diagnosis for a heart condition. If you've noticed the lines on your forehead becoming deeper and more abundant, visit a dermatologist or a heart specialist.

The Best Anti-Ageing Ingredients for Diminishing Forehead Wrinkles

You'll want to seek skincare products with actives that promote collagen production, hydrate and plump the skin, and protect it from external damage. Here are the best ingredients you can incorporate into your anti-ageing skincare routine to banish forehead lines.

1. Retinol

Retinol is a popular anti-ageing ingredient. A derivative of vitamin A, retinol stimulates collagen production and accelerates cell turnover — natural functions that decline with age.

Unlike tretinoin and Retin-A, which are only available via prescription, retinol is a low dose of retinoids that can be purchased over the counter. That makes it better-suited for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It will take time to see results with retinol compared to its prescription-only counterparts, which are more immediate but harsher.

You can find retinol in YORA's Defence Face Concentrate. Combined with lipochroman®, this formula reduces obvious signs of ageing while protecting your skin from cell-damaging free radicals and pollutants.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a multifaceted ingredient that can promote collagen synthesis, fade dark spots, brighten a dull complexion, and shield against free radicals. Pure vitamin C is unstable and prone to oxidizing, which means it has a short shelf life. However, C-compounds are being developed that not only last longer but help the skin absorb this antioxidant much better.

The YORA Conditioning Face Balm contains vitamin C, Suberlift™, and CoQ10. Use it as a moisturizer or as a primer before makeup to soften existing lines and prevent new ones from forming.

3. Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid can hold 1,000 times its weight in water, providing skin with a plumper, more youthful appearance. Your body creates hyaluronic acid naturally as a glycosaminoglycan (GAG), one of the key building blocks of your skin's outermost layer along with collagen and elastin. Over time, your body produces fewer GAGs, leading to dry skin and a less vibrant complexion.

The YORA Revitalise Face Serum features YORA's own hyaluronic acid blend of PRIMALHYAL 50 and PrimalHyal™ 300 plus Swiss glacial water to provide intense moisturization, eliminating the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. For best results, apply this serum in a humid area as hyaluronic acid is a humectant that attracts moisture from its surroundings and binds it to your skin.

4. Niacinamide

Niacinamide (or vitamin B3) is best known for its brightening properties, but this versatile ingredient is also suitable for diminishing the appearance of forehead lines and other wrinkles. A 2010 study in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology says niacinamide "may have the ability to increase dermal collagen and protein production."

Other Ways to Reduce Forehead Wrinkles

Besides incorporating one or several of the above actives into your routine, you can make some key lifestyle changes that will prevent deeper lines from appearing on your forehead.

1. Wear Sunscreen

Your best defense against premature ageing is a daily SPF. Wrinkle-causing UVA rays are present all year round. Wearing sunscreen every day will not only mitigate the development of more fine lines and wrinkles, but it'll also reduce your risk of skin cancer. Also consider supplemental sun protection such as a hat, visor, and sunglasses.

Note that retinol and vitamin C make your skin more photosensitive. If you use either of these products regularly, sunscreen is imperative.

2. Try Facial Massage and Exercise

You can "significantly" reduce sagging and minimize the appearance of wrinkles by using a massage device with an anti-wrinkle cream, according to a 2017 study featured in PLoS ONE. Facial exercises can potentially tighten wrinkled skin. More research is needed on the long-term efficacy of facial exercises but at the very least you'll be quite relaxed.

3. Stress Less

Stress can be a detriment to your skin and overall health. To keep yourself level (and your face wrinkle-free), practice meditation or yoga, or immerse yourself in a hobby you enjoy.

4. Practice Mindful Consumption

If you smoke or vape, resolve to kick that habit — enlist the help of friends, family, and your healthcare professional, as needed. Take stock of your diet and substitute skin-unfriendly food like refined sugars for healthy fats and vitamins that will help you maintain a glowing complexion. What you put into your body will eventually manifest on the surface, so make sure you're being mindful of what you consume.

Treating Forehead Wrinkles the Wholistic Way

Botox is typically recommended as an effective anti-wrinkle treatment since it smooths lines by temporarily paralyzing facial muscles. Results may be immediate but Botox injections are costly and require maintenance as the results are not permanent. (They usually last three to four months.) In addition to that, Botox can have some serious side effects, especially with repeat treatments.

Taking a wholistic approach to anti-ageing will allow your skin to mature with grace. You may not see results as immediately as you would with Botox or other procedures, but over time your mindful habits will culminate in a healthy, vibrant complexion. Not to mention, your overall well-being will be better for it, too.

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